e-Learning Jamaica's Tablets in Schools Project

At the request of the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology (MSET), e-Learning Jamaica Company Limited is collaborating with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEYI) along with the Universal Service Fund (USF) to implement the Tablets in Schools (TIS) Project in selected public educational institutions over the next eleven years. The rollout of the TIS project will see the use of tablets as the major support strategy in the teaching and learning process. The Government of Jamaica will be providing tablets to selected public schools which serve pre-primary and primary aged students throughout Jamaica as well as the ten (10) teachers colleges, and twenty-two (22) State Care facilities for a total of 1,106 institutions. 

Based on the lessons learnt from the Pilot Project, The TIS Project will provide sets of tablets to selected schools for shared use rather than the 1:1 allocation to students. There will also be a pilot of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) concept. The transition to class sets will allow available funds to benefit more schools/students. Each will school receive class-set(s) sufficient to provide appropriate scheduling for 20% of the class time along with approximately 30% spares.


The primary focus of the TIS Project is to achieve the following objectives in selected primary, infant and basic schools along with

selected teachers colleges.


» Transform the ways in which teachers deliver their lessons by creating an educational system in which facilitators use ICT sin the teaching 

and  learning environment to encourage learning and improve students’ performance while effectively managing of the learning process 


» Transform the learning process by integrating ICTs within the curriculum and during assessments, encourage critical thinking,problem-solving, 

decision making and digital citizenship inclusive of the values inherent in collaborating and communicating through the integration of ICTs in the 

education system 


» Transform the learning process by integrating ICTs within the curriculum and during assessments, encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, 

decision making and digital citizenship inclusive of the values inherent in collaborating and communicating through the integration of ICTs in the 

education system 


» Provide tablets and audiovisual equipment for use by teachers and students in classes and facilitate access to the internet 


» Provide access to digital educational resources approved by the MOEYI 


» Facilitate training of teachers/lecturers through scheduled courses and on-site professional development in basic ICT skills integration of ICTs into the 

teaching and learning process. 



Class Sets

Selected institutions will now receive tablets sufficient to facilitate engagement in a shared manner.

Classroom Management

Software that will be provided to give teachers better control of students' tablets during classes.

Interactive Learning 

Engagement between students and teachers using interactive projectors and tablets.


e-Learning Jamaica takes a Step Up With Class Sets

The TIS Project will now assign sets of tablets to schools for shared use rather than 1:1 allocations to students.

e-Learning is Free Learning

Stay tuned to updates on the Roll Out of the Tablets in Schools Project..

Tablets in Schools Documents