e-Learning Jamaica's Testimonials
There has been visible changes in students' readiness for classes, conducting research for their assignments. With profound gratitude i say thanks and encourage e-LJam to continue to chart the course. I am confident that this exposure will propel this generation of scholars into something globally phenomenal.

The tablet gives us instructions and a better understanding of our work. As Special Education students we do all subjects on the tablet and it helps us to do our homework better. it also helps with my reading as i have a dictionary on my tablet which helps me with new words.

The Project has enhanced my son's learning in a good way. I observe a difference in his schoolwork since he has the tablet. When he started he could not read; i'm so proud of him, he has really improved.

I love to play games on the tablet. The Tablet helps me to count. There are many games, football, baseball and i play all of them. I spell and write and draw.

The Tablets in Schools Project benefited both my son and i, Children learn faster with technology as they can see improvement immediately. The apps him to write as they show him how to trace letters, count and so on.

The TIS project has impacted throughout the college. Many of our students would not have been able to afford these devices given the economic constraints, but through this project we have access to the technology which we use to enhance the teaching/learning experience.

The TIS Project has been quite useful in the teaching/learning process. We use the videos to get students engaged and the responses are better than when we used drama. Now they are more excited about learning.

The results from using the tablets are remarkable. We were just so happy to know that the entire student population and the academic staff could actually have an e-device to do our school work because not everyone was lucky enough to own a device.

Technology coupled with education is by far the most single effective tool to bring about desired change in any sphere. Today's students are naturally technologically inclined. They are Digital Natives, so teachers need to be prepared, equipped and adept in the use of technology.