Many achievements in TIS so far

At a workshop for principals in the Tablets in Schools (TIS) Pilot Project, the achievements under the Project to date were discussed, along with some challenges to overcome. They also reviewed plans for improvements to the Project in the upcoming school year.

Minister Thwaites says tablets helping boys in particular

Hon. Ronald Thwaites, Minister of Education enjoyed himself thoroughly as he used a tablet to read to students of St Joseph’s Infant School as part of Read Across Jamaica Day activities in May.
“How does the fire truck siren go?” Minister Thwaites asked a classroom full of bright, attentive tots at the school located in downtown Kingston.

Charlie Smith High added to Tablets in Schools Project

Charlie Smith High School has been added to the Tablets in Schools (TIS) Pilot Project, making it the 39th educational institution in the Project for which implementation began in the last school year. Teachers at Charlie Smith and neighboring Trench Town High are currently being trained in the use of the tablets, and they along […]

Improvements coming to TIS Programme in September

Significant improvements are expected for the administration of the Tablets in Schools (TIS) Pilot Project as it enters its second academic year in September 2015. Issues such as inconsistent Internet service, students accessing inappropriate content, and greater accessibility to educational resources on the tablets will be addressed in the new school year, stakeholders involved in the project said recently.