e-Learning Jamaica Limited (e-LJAM) is inviting public sector entities to utilise its services to procure and infuse information and communications technology (ICT) to enhance their service delivery and operations.
The entity’s Acting Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Lee, told JIS News that “part of our mandate, apart from infusing technology in schools, is to work along with other government departments and agencies to ensure that they can benefit from our core competencies to impact their work within their own organisations”.
He was speaking against the background of e-Learning’s current partnership with the Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Information, to procure approximately 7,500 tablets and supporting technology devices to be used in the April 2022 National Population and Housing Census.
The devices will, thereafter, be donated to the Education Ministry to support the Tablets in Schools Programme.
“We’re prepared to work with other agencies to help them to infuse technology in their work processes and popularise the use of ICT. In fact, under the ‘Own Your Own Device’ programme initiated by the Ministry of Education, e-LJAM guides ICT vendors on how to participate fully in this programme to sell approved devices to students who will come in with their vouchers,” Mr. Lee said.
Interested public-sector entities can visit the e-LJAM website, www.elearningja.gov.jm for more information on how to partner ICT-driven projects.
e-LJAM is an agency of the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology.
Article by: JIS